55 KIP CENTER 201-460-1600 http://www.55kipcenter.org Promotes the physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual well-being of older adults, while facilitating participation in all aspects of community life.
ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES 201-368-4300 or 1-800-624-0275 (After hours) https://bcbss.com/adult-protective-services/ To report self-neglect, exploitation, or abuse of older adult.
ARC OF BERGEN-PASSAIC COUNTIES, THE 201-343-0322 http://www.arcbergenpassaic.org Provision of lifelong services to people with developmental disabilities, adults and children, including social, residential, vocational, recreational, early intervention, family support and prevention services.
BERGEN COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES http://www.bcbss.com/ 201-368-4200 Medicaid, New Jersey Care, CCPED, Food Stamps
CHRIST CHURCH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP 201-488-385 http://www.christchurchhackensack.org/outreach.html Provides advocacy, guidance and mentoring through a holistic approach to address gaps in service and foster dignity, achievement and independence.
FAIR HOUSING COUNCIL OF NORTHERN NJ 201-489-3552 http://www.fhcnnj.org Comprehensive Housing Counseling. Ensures adherence to State and Federal Housing laws, equal access to sale/rental housing for individuals and families, homelessness assistance.
HEIGHTENED INDEPENDENCE & PROGRESS (HIP) 201-996-9100 http://www.hipcil.org Provides information, peer support, advocacy, home modifications, assistive devices, recreation, and technical support to people with disabilities and the community.
NORTHEAST NEW JERSEY LEGAL SERVICES (BERGEN COUNTY OFFICE) (201) 487-2166 http://www.lsnj.org/ 190 Moore Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 Provides free legal services and counseling.
SHELTER OUR SISTERS 201-498-9247 http://www.shelteroursisters.org Emergency Shelter-support services for battered women and their children including: linkages to community resources, court assistance, children’s programs, bilingual services, transitional housing, 24 hour hot-line.
SPECTRUM FOR LIVING GROUP HOMES 201-358-8000 http://www.spectrumforliving.org Enables persons with developmental and physical disabilities to achieve their highest potential through a comprehensive program of residential, respite, recreational and family support services.
UNITED WAY OF BERGEN COUNTY 201-291-4050 http://www.bergenunitedway.org Partners with programs that provide services such as eldercare, healthcare, help to troubled families, youth and the disabled, and a 24-hour helpline.
WOMEN’S RIGHTS INFORMATION CENTER 201-568-1166 http://www.womensrights.org To help women and their families who need to become self-sufficient, to make intelligent life decisions, and to become productive members of society.